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Schedules for 2024-2025

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Music Before 1800


November 9, 6pm and 9pm

SECRET BYRD The Gesualdo Six with Abendmusik

Patricia Ann Neely, treble viol
Rosamund Morley, treble viol
Caroline Nicolas, tenor viol
Dan McCarthy, tenor viol
Sarah Cunningham, bass viol
John Mark Rozendaal, bass viol
The Cathedral of St John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue (112th Street)
New York City

Purchase tickets here: https://mb1800.org/concert/secret-byrd/

gems midtown concerts logo

GEMs Midtown Concerts

Thursday, February 13, 1:15–2:00 pm
War & Peace - Music during the 30 Years' War 1619-1648
Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Lawrence Lipnik, tenor viol
Daniel McCarthy, tenor violin 
Patricia Ann Neely, bass viol
Richard Kolb, lute and theorbo


Friday, March 14 at 7:30 pm

Vivaldi's L'estro armonico, Op. 3 for 1, 2, and 4 violins

Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Aisslinn Nosky, violin
Theresa Salomon, violin
Margrét Hjaltested, viola 
Epongue Ekille, viola 
Caroline Nicolas, violoncello
Patricia Ann Neely, violone
Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village

$25 general; $10 students and seniors

To Purchase tickets:https://www.gemsny.org/events/abendmusik

Thursday, May 8 at 7:30 pm

"The Union of All Parties" Music of Black Composer Sawney Freeman

Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Lawrence Lipnik, viola da gamba
Loren Ludwig, viola da gamba
Patricia Ann Neely, viola da gamba

Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village

$25 general; $10 students and seniors

To Purchase tickets:https://www.gemsny.org/events/abendmusik


 "Whyte Noyse" the Complete Consorts of William Whyte (1571-1634)

Available on Apple Music, Spotify, and other media platforms and in CD format on Amazon, or MSR Records

Early Music America Review of Whyte Noyse

Click on photo below to hear

Fantasia a5 "Diapente" - William Whyte, Whyte Noyse, MSR Classics