
November 9, 6pm and 9pm
SECRET BYRD The Gesualdo Six with Abendmusik
The Cathedral of St John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue (112th Street)
New York City
As part of the 50th Anniversary season of Music Before 1800, Abendmusik will join the British vocal ensemble, Gesualdo Six, for Concert Theater Works’ production of Secret Byrd. This concert is a staged production of William Byrd’s Mass in 5 voices is the centerpiece, supported by his fantasias for viols.
An immersive staged mass celebrating the legacy of William Byrd is created and directed by Bill Barclay and commissioned by St Martin in the Fields and Washington National Cathedral for Byrd400.
"The Abendmusik String Ensemble, here a six-person consort of viols, alternated with a mostly a cappella singing by the five-person Cathedra Ensemble in music by Byrd, some of it expressly written for a Mass. The viols provided rich readings of Byrd's instrumental music, resounding, like the voices, magnificently in the long narrow (and dark) tunnel that runs the length of the damp catacombs."
- Jon Sobel, Blogcritics
Purchase tickets here:

GEMs Midtown Concerts
Thursday, February 13, 1:15–2:00 pm
War & Peace - Music during the 30 Years' War
The 30 Years’ War (1618-1648) was a very long and complex campaign. The conflict pitted Catholics against Protestants for religious supremacy, and pulled into battle several countries, most notably Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, and The Netherlands as well as the Austrian and Spanish Hapsburg monarchies. The battleground was centered in the Germanic principalities and subjected the populace to a deluge of death, rape, and plunder. The outcome of the war left the region in political ruin and economic decline. Our program features works by German composers who flourished during this period along with readings of eyewitness accounts of the horrors of the war. Works by Schein, Scheidt, Schutz, Hammerschmidt, Schultz, Rosenmüller, and more.
Friday, March 14 at 7:30 pm
Vivaldi's L'estro armonico, Op. 3 for 1, 2, and 4 violins
Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village
In celebration of Women’s History month Abendmusik presents his first collection of printed concerti for 1, 2, & 4 violins, Opus 3, L’estro armónico. Published in Amsterdam in 1711, these concerti are believed to have been performed by the all-female orchestra comprised of students at the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. In honor of women everywhere, and in particular Anna Maria della Pietà, an 18th century violinist, composer, and teacher who was an orphan at the Ospedale, we will feature these concerti with an all-female orchestra.
$25 general; $10 students and seniors
To Purchase tickets:
Thursday, May 8 at 7:30 pm
"The Union of All Parties" Music of Black Composer Sawney Freeman
Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village
A skilled farm worker and fiddle player, Sawney Freeman was enslaved in Lyme, Connecticut, became a runaway in 1790, and was manumitted in 1793. He was also a composer with several of his works included in an early 19th century collection of music which lies in the Trinity College library in Hartford, Connecticut. Viol player, musicologist, and historian of New England musical culture, Loren Ludwig joins Abendmusik as guest curator for this concert featuring Freeman’s compositions along with music that the composer may have heard and performed.
$25 general; $10 students and seniors
To Purchase tickets:
Secret Byrd
November 14, 15 at 7:30pm
Performance Santa Fe presents
Secret Byrd
Featuring The Gesualdo Six and Abendmusik
The Scottish Rite Temple, Santa Fe, New Mexico
To purchase tickets:
An immersive staged mass celebrating the 400-year legacy of William Byrd
Created and directed by Bill Barclay
England’s finest Renaissance composer was a covert Catholic facing brutal prosecution in the English Reformation. Nonetheless, he persisted, composing clandestine services for worshippers who risked everything for their faith. Hear Byrd’s divine Mass for Five Voices as he intended: sung one-on-a-part in strictest secrecy.
This unique concert experience theatrically places the audience in the center of a conversation around freedom of belief today. Featuring The Gesualdo Six, the renowned British singers taking the world by storm, and Abendmusik viol consort from NYC.
"The Abendmusik String Ensemble, here a six-person consort of viols, alternated with mostly a cappella singing by the five-person Cathedra Ensemble in music by Byrd, some of it expressly written for a Mass. The viols provided rich readings of Byrd's instrumental music, resounding, like the voices, magnificently in the long narrow (and dark) tunnel that runs the length of the damp catacombs." - Jon Sobel - Blogcritics
Commissioned by St Martin in the Fields and Washington National Cathedral for Byrd400. New Mexico debut performance. Created and directed by Bill Barclay.
Patricia Ann Neely, treble viol
Rosamund Morley, treble viol
Lawrence Lipnik, tenor viol
Dan McCarthy, tenor viol
Mary Springfels, bass viol
John Mark Rozendaal, bass viol
A Father of Musick – William Byrd
In honor of William Byrd, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death, Abendmusik presents his most treasured compositions for viol consort; fantasies, In Nomines, dances, and arrangements of vocal works and keyboard pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, and My Lady Nevell’s Book.
Patricia Ann Neely, treble viol
Rosamund Morley, treble viol
Lawrence Lipnik, tenor viol
Dan McCarthy, tenor viol
Arnie Tanimoto, bass viol
John Mark Rozendaal, bass viol
GEMs Midtown Concerts
“Living Dangerously - Strings on Fire in 17th Century Italy”
Whether on the run from the law or a jealous husband, revolutionizing musical style or instrumental technique, composers in 17th century Italy lived on the edge and wrote heart on sleeve. The musicians of Abendmusik go out on a limb and relish the highs and lows of Rosenmüller, Uccellini, Castello, Bertali, Strozzi, Stradella, and more.
Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Dan McCarthy, tenor violin
Lawrence Lipnik, viola da gamba
Patricia Ann Neely, viola da gamba
Richard Kolb, theorbo and baroque lute
War & Peace - Music during the 30 Years' War 1618-1648
Featuring works by Schein, Scheidt, Schutz, Hammerschmidt, Schultz, Rosenmüller, and more
The Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village,
Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Dan McCarthy, tenor violin
Lawrence Lipnik, viola da gamba
Patricia Ann Neely, viola da gamba
Dutch Inspiration in the Golden Age
The Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 487 Hudson Street, Greenwich Village,
Vita Wallace, violin
Claire Smith Bermingham, violin
Dan McCarthy, tenor violin
Lawrence Lipnik, viola da gamba
Patricia Ann Neely, viola da gamba
and guests
Native Son - Works by Vicente Lusitano and his contemporaries
Bi-racial composer Vicente Lusitano, referred to as a “pardo” (Portuguese for mulatto), is believed to have been born to a white father and a Black mother in Portugal sometime around 1522. He was ordained as a Catholic priest, spent time in Rome, and environs where he became a well-respected music teacher and accomplished theorist. Lusitano wrote a treatise on improvising counterpoint which is believed to be one of the most thorough and detailed methods but was consistently overlooked by musicologists. It was also not possible for Lusitano (given his ethnicity) to secure the support of a patron which made it quite difficult for him to achieve the status he envisioned for his career. At some point in 1556 he converted to Protestantism, ended up in Württemberg, got married and sought refuge with Christoph, Duke of Württemberg and that is the last we hear of him. We will explore his vocal works along with the composers he may have encountered along the way.
Living Dangerously! Strings on Fire in 17th Century Italy
Whether on the run from the law or a jealous husband, revolutionizing musical style or instrumental technique, composers in 17th century Italy lived on the edge and composed with heart on sleeve. The musicians of Abendmusik go out on a limb and relish the highs and lows of Rosenmüller, Uccellini, Castello, Bertali, Strozzi, Stradella, and more.
Claire Smith and Vita Wallace, violins; Dan McCarthy, tenor viola; Pat Neely, viola da gamba; Richard Kolb, theorbo and baroque lute.
In Nomine
Abendmusik traces the development of a popular polyphonic instrumental form in England called "In nomine" from the 16th century composer John Taverner, through restoration composer, Henry Purcell. Composers featured in this concert include, John Taverner, John Bull, Robert Parsons, Christopher Tye, Alfonso Ferrabosco, Orlando Gibbons, John Ward, John Jenkins, William Lawes, Henry Purcell, and more.
The Sacred and the Prophane - Early German Baroque
In 1517, Martin Luther, a young priest, nailed to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany a series of criticisms of the Catholic Church entitled, Ninety-Five Theses. Within weeks his critique of the church’s practices went “viral” and by 1518, his theses had reached the entire European continent – ushering in the Protestant Reformation and establishment of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church. The church became a prominent religious institution and within the framework of the service a number of musical compositions, based on devotional texts, were included under the heading of sub communione.
We are programming vocal works from this genre including compositions by Franz Tunder, Johann Rudolf Ahle, Leopoldus I, Johann Hermann Schein, Heinrich Schütz, Samuel Scheidt, Johann Christoph Bach, and more.
Derek Lee Ragin will join us as a guest soloist for this program.
Maister Byrd, "Sweetness, Repose and Recreation"
William Byrd was one of the most prolific composers during the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods. Byrd along with his contemporary Thomas Tallis were awarded a monopoly on publishing by Queen Elizabeth I and he did not disappoint. Byrd contributed to the Cantiones Sacrae and published his own collection, "Songs of Sundrie Natures,” "Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets” and instrumental fantasies composed for viols. His compositions make up a robust collection of works which came to define the golden age in English music. We will present fantasias in 3, 4, 5, and 6 parts.
Lachrimae or Seaven Teares Figured in Seaven Passionate Pavans and several other dances by John Dowland Bacheler of Musicke
There is no doubt that one of the most popular melodies associated with the Elizabethan period is John Dowland’s setting of “Lachrimae” or “Flow My Teares.” The descending 4-note motive has, over time, come to symbolize sadness and melancholy and has been adopted by composers who flourished in the Renaissance period through the modern age. Dowland published his collection, “Lachrimae or Seaven Teares Figured in Seaven Passionate Pavans,” around 1605 when he was in the service of the King of Denmark, Christian IV. He dedicated the collection to Christian’s sister Anne who, upon her marriage to James I, became Queen of Scotland, England, and Ireland.
“The seven pavans that begin Lachrimæ are among the best-known and best-loved pieces of instrumental music written before the eighteenth century. Their serene beauty speaks for itself, yet they also raise many questions. Why are there seven of them? How are they related? Do they contain ideas borrowed from other composers? Were they intended to be performed as a cycle? What is the significance of the Latin titles? Do they [the titles] have any bearing on their musical character? How does the cycle exemplify the Elizabethan cult of melancholy?”
– Peter Holman, Dowland: Lachrimae (1604), Cambridge Music Handbooks, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999, p. 36.
Join Abendmusik as it explores the music from this collection, addresses the questions about its provenance and place music history, and Dowland’s relationship with Denmark and England, which appears to have been more than just an artistic one.
Rosamund Morley, viola da gamba
Christopher Morrongiello, lute
This concert is part of the NEW YORK EARLY MUSIC CELEBRATION 2019, "Ex Borealis - Nordic and Baltic Countries," an Early Music Foundation Service Project.
Roman Rarities
After the disaster of the sack of Rome in 1527 the Popes were intent on seeing the city rebuilt in every sense. They and competing wealthy families bestowed lavish patronage, so that Rome in the 16th and 17th centuries became a major cultural capital. Countless artists came from all over Europe, examples being the painters Ribera from Spain and Poussin and Lorrain from France; the work of the Neapolitan sculptor and architect Bernini, primarily associated with Rome, is the epitome of baroque art. Musicians working there who composed instrumental ensemble music include Palestrina, Cavalieri, Gregorio Allegri, Leoni, Frescobaldi, Alessandro Scarlatti, Stradella, Kapsperger, Colista, and Corelli.
Join Abendmusik for a program that reflects the contributions of artists who built the rich cultural center worthy as a destination for a Roman holiday.
Music from the Kroměřiž Archive
Some of the most popular, original and striking of all 5-part music is that of Heinrich Schmelzer, Biber, and Biber's colleague Pavel Vejvanovský. The greatest source of their works in manuscript is the remarkable collection at the seemingly obscure court of Kroměřiž in Moravia, like Salzburg the seat of a prince-archbishop. Vejvanovský, in his capacity as librarian and copyist, is largely to thank for assembling this vast corpus of music. His connections with the court of the Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna ensured both the performance of Czech music in the capital and the preservation of the works of Viennese composers — chiefly Schmelzer — that would otherwise likely be lost.
Guest: John Mark Rozendaal, viola da gamba
Kammermusik for Abendmusik
Works by German composers David Funck, Theodor Schwartzkopf, Johann Michael Nicolai, Cyriacus Wilche, Paul Hainlein, Johann Wilhelm Furchhiem, and Johann Rosenmüller.
Guest: Adam Young, viola da gamba
Veni, vidi, vici Venetia!
An exploration of the Italian composers who were well-known for cultivating the canzona form including, Giovanni Gabrieli, Claudio Merulo, Giovanni Priuli, Francesco Usper, Biagio Marini, G. B. Riccio, Giovanni Picchi, Dario Castello, Massimiliano Neri, and Francesco Cavalli.
Guest: Rosamund Morley, viola da gamba; Dongsok Shin, harspichord
Lawes and Jenkyns Guard Thy Rest* Part II
The Age of the Industrial Revolution, is defined as a time in which society looked toward the future and rejected the past. At the same time, the Arts & Crafts movement was started by a group of decorative artists, led by William Morris, who rejected the artistic endeavors of the age and looked toward the past for creative inspiration. The leaders of this movement encouraged Arnold Dolmetsch to pursue his interest in reviving instruments and repertoire from the 17th century. Dolmetsch's connection to the British Library lent him access to extant manuscripts including those attributed to Henry VIII as well the compositions of John Jenkins and William Lawes, among others. We continue our exploration of Lawes and Jenkins, the two great masters of English consort repertoire; and Arnold Dolmetsch who moved Ezra Pound to exclaim, "Lawes and Jenkyns guard thy rest, Dolmetsch ever be thy guest."*
*Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXI
Vita Wallace, baroque violin
Claire Smith, baroque violin
Lawrence Lipnik, viola da gamba
Rosamund Morley, viola da gamba
Sarah Cunningham, viola da gamba
Patricia Ann Neely, viola da gamba
Kammermusik for Abendmusik
Works by German composers including, David Funck, Theodor Schwartzkopf, Johann Michael Nicolai Johann Hermann Schein, William Brade, Johann Sommer, John Dowland, and Samuel Scheidt.
GEMS Midtown Concert Series
John Mark Rozendaal, treble viol
Lawrence Lipnik, tenor viol
Rosamund Morley, tenor viol
Patricia Ann Neely, bass viol
"De Gouden Eeuw" - The Golden Age or the consequences of Dutch Persistence
The “Gouden Eeuw” or Golden Age in the Low Countries during the 17th century was a period in which commerce, education, and the arts and sciences experienced major growth. Abendmusik focuses on the music published in the Netherlands by Dutch and foreign composers who flourished in the Netherlands during this prolific period including, Nicolaus à Kempis, Philippe van Wichel, Johannes Schop, Johann Schenck, Carolus Hacquart, and Peter Philips.
Additional Artists: Adam Young, viola da gamba; Jason Priset, lute and theorbo
Oh Susanne!
Guillaume Guéroult’s (1507-1569) poem, “Susanne un jour” was first set as a chanson by Didier Lupi Second (c.1520-after 1559) and later by Orlando de Lasso (1530-1594). The text and melody became so popular that it is represented in close to 30 chansons, set by more than 20 composers, and appears in a variety of settings from the aforementioned chansons to consort songs, instrumental fantasias, dances, solo diminutions, a mass setting by Lassus, several, lute intabulations, and more. Abendmusik explores various settings of the melody by German, Spanish, French, and British composers, including Dowland, Somers, Byrd, Cabezón, Dalla Casa, Rognoni, and more.
Lawes and Jenkyns Guard Thy Rest*
The Age of the Industrial Revolution, is defined as a time in which society looked toward the future and rejected the past. At the same time, the Arts & Crafts movement was started by a group of decorative artists, lead by William Morris, who rejected the artistic endeavors of the age and looked toward the past for creative inspiration. The leaders of this movement encouraged Arnold Dolmetsch to pursue his interest in reviving instruments and repertoire from the 17th century. Dolmetsch's connection to the British Library lent him access to extant manuscripts including those attributed to Henry VIII as well the compositions of John Jenkins and William Lawes, among others. It is his efforts that have made these works accessible in the 19th, 20th and now 21st centuries so that we can have the opportunity to explore some of most beautiful music written for string ensemble in the 17th century. The works of Jenkins and Lawes have kept modern viol players enthusiastically challenged and musically satisfied for over 100 years. We devote this concert to some of the most celebrated consorts in 5 and 6 parts and smaller works by the two great masters of English consort repertoire; and to Dolmetsch who moved Ezra Pound to exclaim, “Lawes and Jenkyns guard thy rest, Dolmetsch ever be thy guest.”*
Guest Artist: Mary Springfels, viola da gamba
*Ezra Pound, Canto LXXXI
Italians in Vienna
The rage for Italian music led many northern European courts to import Italian musicians during the course of the 17th century. The first to do this on a large scale was King Zygmunt III of Poland in about 1600, bringing 23 Italians north to form the core of his royal chapel. The classic example, however, is the court of the Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna, where from 1619 Giovanni Priuli, Giovanni Valentini, Orazio Benevoli, Marco Antonio Ferro, Francesco Turini, Pietro Andrea Ziani, Giovanni Battista Buonamente, Antonio Draghi, Alessandro Poglietti, and Antonio Bertali were prominent, even if Monteverdi could not be lured north. They provided music for lavish productions of opera and ballet as well as for the church and chamber. Lewis Baratz (harpsichord) joins the ensemble for this program.
He Nailed It!
Honoring Martin Luther and the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther, a young priest, nailed to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany a series of criticisms of the Catholic Church, entitled, Ninety-Five Theses. Within weeks his critique went ‘viral” in Germany and by 1518, his theses had reached the entire European continent – ushering in the Protestant Reformation. One hundred years later, Germany was entrenched in a war that would isolate regions politically, religiously and culturally for 30 years. Territories that adopted the Lutheran liturgy followed the service as it was outlined in the Kirchen-Ordungen and Martin Luther provided a Formula Missae in both Latin and German. However, the order of the service was set region by region and eventually, services were conducted in the vernacular. In the Mecklenburg Kirchen-Ordnung of 1650, the statement, Wenn die Predigt geendet / sol man einem Deutschen Psalm singen / vom Fest / oder der sich sonst auuf das Evangelium schicket (When the sermon is ended a German Psalm of the feast or concerned with the Gospel reading should be sung.) allowed for a number of compositions, based on devotional texts, to be included in the service under the heading sub communione. It is these “sub communione” from which we program our vocal works for this concert including works by Franz Tunder, Johann Rudolf Ahle, Dieterich Buxtehude, Johann Christoph Bach, and instrumental works by Matthias Weckman, David Pohle, Clemens Thieme, Johann Wilhelm Furcheim, and Andreas Oswald. Derek Lee Ragin is our guest countertenor for this program.
Coprario's Music
Charles, Prince of Wales, considered music a major component of his household. He was a faithful supporter and employer of some of the most eminent English composers of the period including, Alfonso Ferrabosco, Thomas Lupo, Orlando Gibbons, and John Coprario, to name a few. Coprario was so respected by Charles that the household string ensemble bore his name, “Coprario’s Music.” Abendmusik presents the string compositions by the composers in this circle who defined this prolific musical period in English cultural history. Abendmusik will be joined in this program by Rosamund Morley, viola da gamba.
Italy and Iberia – A Blending of Styles
In the cultural sphere of the 16th and 17th centuries, all eyes were on Italy as the center of musical innovation. New harmonic theory along with the art of continuo practice, the introduction of monody and word painting, the art of improvisation or diminution, showcasing instruments in solo. There are Italian composers that come to mind who supported these new forms including, Frescobaldi, Zarlino, Caccini, Monteverdi and Spanish composers who spent time in Italy, most notably, Diego Ortiz who published his treatise on improvisation in Rome in 1553 to Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde, a bassoon player and composer who spent time in Venice where he published his Primo Libro Canzoni, Fantasie et Correnti da suonar in 1638. Abendmusik explores the symbiotic relationship between the Italians and Spanish and how they each contributed to the stile moderno. We will feature works by Sebastian Raval, Bartolomeo de Selma y Salaverde, Antonio and Hernando de Cabeçon, Diego Ortiz, P. A. Zani, Giovanni Maria Trabaci, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Alonso Xuárez, Francesco Flamengo, Bartolomeo Montalbano, Andrea Falconiero, Christóbal de Morales, Francesco Guerrero and more. Stephen Rapp (harpsichord) joins the ensemble for this program.
The Consorts of William White and his Contemporaries
William White is one of the least well-known composers of anthems and consorts in Jacobean England. He is believed to be a contemporary of Orlando Gibbons, Thomas Tomkins, Thomas Ford, Giovanni Coprario, etc. We know that he was contracted to present at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral and is mentioned by Thomas Mace in “Musick’s Monument” (1676) as a composer of “very Great Eminency, and Worth.” While it is difficult to date his compositions, current scholarship is of the belief that they may have been composed around 1620. These fantasies and pavans are true examples of Jacobean consort music and we are presenting the instrumental works which are extant, including fantasias for 2, 3, 5, and 6 viols as well as 2 pavans for 6 viols. Characteristic of these fantasies is White’s brilliant ability to pair two instruments together in featured sections, alone and without the support of continuo organ. He weaves a tapestry of melody throughout which is tasteful and full of spirit. Each work is unique and leaves the listener energized and wanting more. Rosamund Morley (viola da gamba) joins the ensemble for this program. This concert is part of Early Music Month sponsor EMA.
Il vero modo di abbellire – “The True Way to Embellish”
Abendmusik presents Il vero modo di abbellire – “The True Way to Embellish” featuring dances, diminutions and more, for violins and viols. Hear the rarely performed “Alla dolce Ombra,” an instrumental version of the 4-part madrigal by Cipriano da Rore and embellished in all four parts by Girolamo Dalla Casa from his treatise Il Vero Modo di diminuir (Venice 1584). The program also features solo diminutions for violin and viola bastarda by Dalla Casa and Richardo Rogniono as well as repertoire for the ensemble by Vincenzo Ruffo, Giovanni Maria Trabaci, Orazio Vecchi, Biagi Marini, Antonio Valenti and more.
Music from the Kroměřiž Archive
Some of the most popular, original and striking of all 5-part music is that of Heinrich Schmelzer, Biber, and Biber's colleague Pavel Vejvanovský. The greatest source of their works in manuscript is the remarkable collection at the seemingly obscure court of Kroměřiž in Moravia, like Salzburg the seat of a prince-archbishop. Vejvanovský, in his capacity as librarian and copyist, is largely to thank for assembling this vast corpus of music. His connections with the court of the Holy Roman Emperor in Vienna ensured both the performance of Czech music in the capital and the preservation of the works of Viennese composers — chiefly Schmelzer — that would otherwise likely be lost.
Aus der Tiefe – "Out of the Depths"
Germany's Cultural Revolution as a consequence of the 30 Years War
“In no other period of its musical history has Germany given more cogent proof of its ability to adopt foreign ideas, in the sense of assimilating them, making them its own, reworking them, and finally refashioning its native inheritance by fusing the latter with what it had newly acquired.” Frederick Blume, “Deutschland,” Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart.
With politics and religious ethics permeating every facet of life in Germany during the 30 Years War (1618 – 1648), Blume captures the essence of the times in his quote regarding the region’s quest to develop its own national musical style. This program takes a look at a few of the composers who flourished in the German regions, masterful artists who weaved the styles of the Italians, French, Spanish, Dutch, and English into their own, ultimately creating a unified German style and setting the stage for the next generation of German composers.
Includes works by:
Heinrich Schütz
Andreas Hammerschmidt
Samuel Scheidt
Kaiser Leopold I
Johann Rosenmüller
Johann Schop
Rosenmüller in Venice
One of the most talented and accomplished German composers, and a younger colleague of Heinrich Schutz, Rosenmüller held a prominent position at the Thomasschule in Leipzig until he was accused of a morals offense in 1655. He fled to Venice where he flourished, returning to Germany two years before his death in 1684.
Includes works by:
Johann Rosenmüller
Francesco Cavalli
Giovanni Legrenzi
Biagio Marini
Pietro Andrea Ziani
The British Invasion
John Dowland, William Brade and Thomas Simpson are the leaders of this invasion, armed with the repertoire that would have an immense influence on German instrumental composition (the dance suite, keyboard and instrumental solos and more). The ayres and lute songs of Dowland also punctuate this program as sources of melody and temperament through text for the instrumental counterparts.
Guests Artists:
Jaqueline Horner-Kwiatek, mezzo soprano, Donald Meineke, tenor, John Mark Rozendaal, viola da gamba.
Includes works by:
Thomas Simpson
William Brade
John Dowland
Peter Phillips
Johannes Schop
Matthais Weckmann
Samuel Scheidt
Johann Stephani (Steffens)
Benedict Greebe (Grep)
Poland's Golden Age
Around the year 1600 King Zygmunt III of Poland imported 23 Italian musicians to form the core of his royal chapel. Native Poles were also active, while large areas of present-day Poland were territorially German during this time with a flourishing musical culture, in cities such as Konigsberg, Silesia, and Breslau.
Includes works by:
Giovanni Valentini
Tarquinio Merula
Valentin Haussmann
Daniel Speer
Marcin Mielczewski
Adam Jarzebski